Friday, October 16, 2009


Well I guess I'm lonely and I guess that doesn't mean too much because a lot a lot a lot of people in this world must be lonely too.
Every season has it's own type of loneliness. In the fall I'm missing some one to go on car rides and go apple picking with. In the winter I'm missing some one to share a bed with. In the spring I'm missing some one to start feeling alive again with. In the summer I'm missing some one to go to the beach with at night.
It's the fall now and everywhere I go I see pretty girls. Some of them are with boyfriends; others are alone. I wonder if the ones who are alone are as lonely as I am. I wonder if they're lonely enough to be friendly to a stranger who approaches them.
I think to myself; "With all this free time I could be writing, drawing, reading, creating something." But when I try, my mind remembers how lonely it is. I'm plagued with thoughts of sex and handholding and the words that I want to put on paper can't seem to make it there.
The music stops inspiring as it all starts to sound the same. A new Atlas Sound album or a new Ghostface are one in the same.
So I sleep. My dreams become more and more difficult to tell apart from reality. A girl straightening her hair or a room mate cutting fingertips off of gloves become memories that I'm unsure whether or not happened.
I sleep and no idea is worth writing down on paper. Coffee or bacon are not enticing enough to get me out of bed.
I sleep while my loneliness and my depression are nothing compared to anyone else's.
I sleep and wish for nothing else.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

"Like the 'Proceed' drummer"

"Maybe you're seasonally affected," she said to me when I told her about how I like to keep my curtains wide open when the sun is out, even when I'm not home.
"I get this feeling like some of the sunlight will get trapped in the room and stay there for a little while after the sun goes down," I told her.
I've still seen no evidence of this working; though I try everyday. This morning the windows are wide open, the shades are drawn, the curtains are pushed to the side. It still feels dark in here.
"Seasonally affected."
How about terminally distracted?
What should I listen too in the spring? What should I eat in the summer? Should I go for walks or watch movies?
Obsessively lonely?
Always needing more light. Always wishing for second pair of eyes to look on with mine.
In the spring we're looking at flowers. In the summer we're looking at the sky. In the fall we're watching the leaves turn. In the winter we're looking at each other.

The view from the window and the view from the porch stay the same throughout the seasons; except for sometimes there's snow. Sometimes there are girls.
Most of the time there are people who I don't know. They're walking dogs and holding hands and smiling. In a few hours, I'll probably serve them coffee.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Trashington Square

Piseth finds a door for VoulaI'd heard stories; but never before witnessed this ritualistic time of year in the Boston metro area during which students (and non-students) participate in some serious trash picking.

I'm undoubtedly going to sound bitter when I bring up the fact that I did work though out all of the holiday weekend; so I missed a lot of the good stuff (and daylight).
I finally made it out with my camera the night before trash pickup on my street.

To tell you that there was enough trash on our street to construct a small continent does better justice than these photos that I took.
I got the feeling that by the time we made our rounds, most of the "good stuff" had already been taken.

We realized much too quickly how beneficial a flashlight would have been, and soon met a woman who was such a pro at this type of thing that she put us to serious shame. She offered us a few tips as we followed each other; us on foot and her in her minivan (with dog).

Some kitchen utensils, a few chairs, one or two designer handbags, a shelf, a boombox, and plaster busts of Superman and Batman later; we found ourselves back home just as the load became a bit too much to carry.

Lessons learned for next year: pack a flashlight, get Labor Day off, and make a friend with a pickup truck.

The Beginning

It rained all summer in this town. I would go to bed at night and pray for sunshine on my days off. I would leave the house without an umbrella while the sun was shining and get caught in an unexpected downpour fifteen minutes into my walk.
This is a photo blog. It is a tribute to an interesting, frustrating, confusing, and ridiculous town that by a twist of fates I've come to reside in.

These are the people and the places that I see on a day to day basis. I take too many of these things for granted. This is my way of keeping track.
I will tell you where some of these things are. Some of them you will have to guess. I will always encourage comments with feedback, questions, guesses, etc.
As the title of this blog suggests, I'm going to try to keep it all in Bklne; but I can't make any promises right now. Please forgive me if I leak a little bit into Allston, Brighton, Cambridge... maybe even Lowell.

Try your best to enjoy the things that you see here. I'm not a photographer; I just own a camera and want to document the things that I don't trust myself to remember on my own.
Let me know when you think I'm getting lazy. I need the encouragement sometimes.
Stay tuned and maybe you'll see yourself.